Tuesday, December 14, 2010


This dog has a makeshift stroller, because he is very old and walking is hard for him. But he still loves the fresh air and being by the side of his elderly owner, who takes the dog for long walks every evening.

Communal global
My World Tuesday


Parsley said...

What a precious pup!

Sylvia K said...

Oh, precious indeed! Such delightful photos! We're sending him lots of hugs from Seattle!


likeschocolate said...

Very cute !

urban muser said...

that is so darn cute!

Karen said...

What a lucky dog, to have such a dedicated owner. I love the first shot.

Buckeroomama said...

Aww, that is so sweet --both the dog and its owner. Through thick and thin, in sickness and in health... and all that. :)

Anonymous said...

The love between man and beast has always touched me deeply. Devotion is a beautiful word ... when we have earned the trust from our companions they forever stand by our side, devoting love and loyalty unto their caretakers. We are duty and honor bound to return the same compassion and allegiance. BEAUTIFUL!

Yoli said...

That is the sweetest thing I have read recently.

Natalie said...

Aww! That IS devotion. How sweet..and how great of a bond that much be! Nice entry...!

Debra said...

Awwww....you made me cry Serline! I love that they are such companions to one another.

paige said...

Aww..how nice. :)

ARK said...

That stroller is FABulous :)

kitchu said...

you captured him so perfectly. and i know this kind of devotion and love for a dog :)