Monday, December 6, 2010

Self Portrait

I really enjoy photography, so much so that nowadays, I hardly ever appear in any of our family photos. Doing a self-portrait is an absolute first for me, so forgive me if I come across as somewhat self-conscious. Wish I were more like my daughters: striking "cute" poses comes readily to teenage Janelle, especially when in a NeoPrint booth with her BFF's; Narelle can just be herself anytime, all the time.


indicaspecies said...

Lovely. Brilliant shot.

Tamar SB said...

This is a great shot, you look very contemplative! I can relate I am almost never in the family pictures, including the one of 4 generations and 20 people on Thanksgiving!


Sarah Jones said...

Such an interesting pose! I love it!!

Michelle R Photography said...

I love this shot - the softness of it is wonderful. And such a pretty woman, too!

Unknown said...

I love this picture. Very beautiful!

Buckeroomama said...

You look just like Janelle's sister! :)

Yoli said...

It is great to see you! You are so beautiful!!!!

Bunch of Barrons said...

Love this. It has a great softness to it.

ARK said...

I kind of LOVE of the moment...sweet simplicity...

Unknown said...

It's good to see you get behind the camera! Your daughters are gorgeous, but it's obvious they get it from their momma!

Kala said...

Nice to see you and this is a very good sp!

黄清华 Wong Ching Wah said...

You can be a model in the Bangkok MotoShow !!!!
You have a beautiful face !

Debra said...

Rarely do people look like you imagine them; but, in your case, you look as beautiful, talented, smart, and confident as I imagined! Great job stepping in front of the camera!

Crystal Rae said...

very pretty. I love your banner photo as well. ;) very fun.